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A Corn on a Toe
Callus under a Foot

Corns and Callus

These are protective growths of thickened skin over areas where repeated friction occurs. Unless they prove troublesome or painful they require no specialised treatment.

These are round thickened areas of compacted hard skin with a central area called “the nucleus” which acts like “a wedge” in the skin thus causing pain.

Corns do not have roots and are not infectious. They may be a symptom of structural deformity in the foot and can be very painful. They may be found on the top of toes and underneath the feet. Those found between toes may have absorbed perspiration and become “rubbery” which get described as “soft corns”. Sometimes we see tiny “bead like” corns occasionally found in the heels not due to obvious pressure which are called “seed corns” simply due to their appearance.

(REMEMBER prevention is better than cure.)

Always have feet measured when standing before buying shoes, by a trained shoe fitter. Even when you have stopped growing, changes still occur in your feet. The measurements you require are, a)length, b)width, c)depth, d)overall shape. Not regarding c) and d) is often the only reason for foot problems.

Help yourself by looking after your feet:
Wear sensible shoes which are well fitting.
Use a rough Pumice Stone on hard skin.
Use a good moisturising cream on the dry areas.
Swab surgical spirit between toes after bathing.

AVOID treating your corns by using so-called corn cures, harsh medications or chemical compounds which may contain acids.
AVOID cutting your own corns and callus using any manufactured device.

Always make sure that you consult a Chiropodist for treatment and advice with years of experience and training. Also try to make a visit to him part of your regular health check to prevent problems before they start.

Compare the two shoes below and try to guess which one a Chiropodist would approve of, and which he would not.
To help in the quest here are some pointers: Is the shoe the same shape as a foot. Does the toe box have enough room for the toes to stretch out and wriggle without touching the upper. Is the heel cupped properly or does it go over the back of the shoe. Does the shoe hold on by squeezing the toes, or by squeezing the solid bones around the instep. Is the sole soft and springy or hard and thin. Can the shoe be washed. If the ground is uneven will you go over on your ankle in these. Will the material breathe. Are there any irritating dyes used in the material the shoe is made from. Adding innersoles will take up the depth toes needed so avoid any need for this. If necessary buy odd sizes (they are available from many manufacturers if you ask).

The answer to many foot problems can be to use the right insoles. Click HERE for more informantion.
Silly Designed Shoe Well Designed Footwear

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This page last edited 25.03.2022© Copyright J. Lees