Why come here


1. To treat foot problems to the highest standards possible.
2. To run the most cost effective practice in this country.
3. To have available and use the most modern proven techniques.
4. To keep using former successful treatments unless superseded.
5. To never risk the safety of any patient.
6. To be the best Chiropodist in the World.


a) Allow more time for every appointment as a routine than any other Chiropody Surgery I know of.
b) Use the best instruments, equipment, and medicaments available.
c) From time to time I update my knowledge in relevant subjects.

2. Keep it simple.
a) No massive practice rent you pay indirectly to a landlord.
b) No wages for you to pay for receptionists/secretaries.
c) My time is spent efficiently - in the surgery - not travelling.
d) I never have advertised.
e) Computerised Stock Rotation controls used.
f) By using the best of everything, you get better quicker, or can go longer between appointments,
(that’s the best saving of all).

a) I scan the latest journals routinely.
b) Attend suitable beneficial relevant postgraduate courses from time to time.
c) Update surgery facilities immediately as developments occur.
d) Trawl the internet for refreshment of ideas regularly.

4. Previous techniques ought never to be forgotten.
a) I still use old-fashioned methods where indicated if it works.
b) My treatment records are kept, and reviewed for forgotten good ideas.
c) Knowing what did-not work in the past, helps me to avoid using new procedures that are old unsuccessful
treatments rediscovered.

a) My knowledge is extensive in Chiropody only. Outside that I refer.
b) All instruments are sterilised or single use, to the absolute top specifications.
c) All equipment, drugs, padding & strapping used is the best available.
d) Hygiene and cleanliness is never compromised.
e) Records kept are completely confidential.

6. My experience covers every field of Chiropdy/Podiatry. I have lectured in Schools, Universities, and Hospital. I have run surgeries in Industry, Hospitals; Clinics; and Homes, both N.H.S. & private, as well as having run 3 practices of my own.
The qualifications I hold for Chiropody and associated fields are all officially recognised in the U.K. I also hold the Diploma in Podiatric Medicine which complies with the EEC reciprocal agreement for mutual qualification respect.
Experts in their fields have taught me their aspect pertaining to Chiropody/Podiatry e.g:
From England:
Medicine: Dr. Hawkins, Consultant Physician - Birmingham
Analgesia: Dr. Stewart, Consultant Anaesthetist - Birmingham
Surgery: Mr. Norcross, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon - Birmingham
Fabrication: Mr. Anthony, Orthotic Manufacturer - Oxford (Summer School)
From America:
Sports Medicine: Dr. Sokoloff & Dr. Kirby Podiatric Surgeons - California
Force Paradigms: Dr. Weal, & Dr. Fuller, Senior Lecturer’s California University of Podiatry
Biomechanics: Dr. Orion, World Famous Author in the field

The prosperity of my family depends entirely upon more patients seeking treatment here to replace those I cure. As it is unprofessional for a practitioner to advertise his own medical services I rely on my patients to recommend me to others. The busier I am, the longer fee’s can be kept down, & standards up.

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This page last edited 25.03.2022© Copyright J. Lees